Rebecca Dyan Photography is now Fleur photography

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Photographing Motherhood is simply magical. It’s not about perfection, it’s about the moments. We captured SO many amazing moments and memories this past weekend. Seeing all these mamas all dolled up, snuggling with their babies, many of whom I’ve photographed since newborns, and many milestone and family sessions in between. It was just so sweet. […]

Milestones, Recent Sessions

Motherhood ~ Mommy and Me ~ Austin Photographer ~ Austin Baby Photographer

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I just love a good natural light mommy and me studio session. This studio session also has me SO excited for my Motherhood Event coming up May 4th! They are so simple and timeless, and the perfect way to preserve the milestones throughout your baby’s first year. I’ve been working on something so so special. […]

Milestones, Sessions

Baby Jack ~ Milestone session ~ Austin Baby Photographer ~ Austin Newborn Photographer

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This handsome little blue eyed guy came to see me for his third milestone session. So fun to see how much he’s grown since his six month session , and now he is on the MOVE! Crawling!!! Can’t wait to plan his one year session! Hello,  thank you so much for reading this blog post.  I […]


Rowan’s Milestone Session ~ Nine months ~ Austin baby Photographer ~ Austin Photographer

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Baby Lucas, you are just too handsome! Capturing these milestones are so so fun! Milestone sessions are the best way to freeze time and remember these moments. Tummy time, sitting, crawling, standing…they all happen so so fast… Also, if you thought I had a lot of pretty things for mama and little girls to wear, […]


Baby Lucas’ milestone session ~ Austin Newborn Photographer~ Austin Baby Photographer

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Turning ONE is so much FUN! There’s no doubt about it that cake smashes are still SO popular, and SO sweet! This little lady was really excited for her cake. As I was getting it all set up for her, she made her way over and couldn’t wait to dig in. She even went face […]

Milestones, Recent Sessions

Isabelle is ONE ~ Studio Cake smash ~ Austin Photographer ~ Austin Newborn photographer ~ Austin Baby Photographer

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What is a “Celebration session” you may ask? Well, it’s simply that. It’s one of my session offerings where we celebrate a milestone. Mostly birthdays, but also the baby milestones such as rolling, sitting, standing and so on. These sessions are VERY popular to celebrate the one year milestone. But, I’ve also had many two […]

Cake Smash, Milestones, Sessions

Violet’s Cake Smash ~ Celebration Session ~ Austin Newborn Photographer

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Oh my gracious you guys! How about a little bit of handsome for your Tuesday? Isn’t this little guy the cutest, squishiest baby?!?! We have been documenting all of his baby goodness every few months since he was born! This was Rowan’s “sitter session,” and although he is a little past six months old, this […]

Milestones, Sessions

Austin Baby Photographer ~ Austin Newborn Photographer ~ Rowan’s Milestone session