Rebecca Dyan Photography is now Fleur photography

Milestones, Sessions, Studio

August 5, 2020

Baby Marinette ~ Three Month Milestone Session ~ Austin Photographer

What do we capture at a three month milestone session? A lot. It may seem like we’ve just finished up your newborn session, and we have.  It may seem like you are still in a fog, and you are. I know, I’ve been there three times. It may seem near impossible to get out of the house and freshen up just a bit for another session, and it may be. But believe me, your baby has changed SO much since those early weeks. Whether it’s your first baby, or your fourth baby, you don’t want to miss these milestones. Before you blink, they are on to the next. So, what moments and milestones do we preserve when your newborn turns three months old? We preserve the snuggles, first smiles, the love, feedings, the tiny details, and so much sweetness…all of this…

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